Prostitution / Vape Ring Busted at Ramona High

Although school has only been in session for three weeks, ninth grader Lindsey Diamond has been making herself very busy as the head “pimp” of a local gang of prostitutes operating from the walls of Ramona High School. Diamond had been caught on camera telling multiple teachers and staff to “suck her dick” and also bullying her fellow classmates in to lewd activity such as “juuling” and the biggest problem here, the renowned prostitution ring where she “rents out” her friends for 9 dollars an hour. Through lots of evidence and eye witness testimonies, it is known that vice principal Antoinette Rodriguez was not only aware of the problem, but working for Ms. Diamond, or as the kids at school like to call her, El Diablo. Rodriguez was working for Diamond as her resident juul distributer, working to keep the kids of Ramona high vaping in the bathroom and addicted to nicotine. It is unclear of the motive between these two evil women’s actions.

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